
Homemade Ferrero Rocher (Chocolate Hazelnuts Truffle)

Terinspirasi dari hasil karya sahabat baik saya Pepy Nasution, yang membuat sendiri si coklat Ferrero yang rasanya sudah mendunia dan ga diragukan lagi....yumm..yummm... Penasaran dong saya, he he....Gimana sih cara bikinnya, maka berbekal link di atas, juga link Elle's blog, maka di coba dong, toh ternyata tidak sulit, hanya butuh ketelatenan....

Yuks intip bahannya...:


100 g hazelnut wafer biscuits, crushed (Chocolate wafer 200gr..Ike)
150 g hazelnuts
200 g Nutella
250 g semi-sweet dark chocolate (or milk chocolate) ---> Dark Cooking Chocolate Lindt 70%

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Spread out the hazelnuts on a rimmed baking sheet and roast them in the oven for 8-10 minutes, until they are warmed through and aromatic. Remove from the oven and let cool and rub their skins off with a tea towel. Finely chop the hazelnuts.
  2. Combine the wafer biscuits, chopped hazelnuts. Add Nutella and mix them with hands.---> pake spatula saja...:D ...Ike
  3. Roll approximately 1 heap teaspoon of the mixture into ball. Repeat and you should get around 30-40 balls depending on the size. (If the mixture is not firm enough to roll, put it in the refrigerate for 15-30 minutes until it's firm enough to roll into balls.) 
  4. Put them in the refrigerator for 45 minutes to firm up.
  5. Melt the dark chocolate and let it cool.
  6. Remove the balls from the refrigerator and dip them into the melted chocolate until well coated. 
     7. Let them set in room temperature or in the refrigerator if the weather is too hot.

 Mirip tapi ga mirip,namanya juga KW1, he he....minimal hilang kepenasaran....dan ternyata bagusny pake Ganache aja, klo Nuttella, harus elalu simpan di kulkas, klo engga melembek disimpan di ruangan...mana summer lagi...he he....

Source : Pepy Nasution, dan Elle's Blog, Thank You...:)

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